That's o.k. I'm only three days into this year. There's still time!
Fitness or losing weight is probably the goal that is on the top of MOST peoples list of new years resolutions, and I can't exclude myself in this. In fact that is ....THE... GOAL.... of the year. My Pilates training is coming up in March. I'd like to at least be able to touch my toes before I go to be trained to twist in a pretzel.
My second goal that has been placed on my list and forgotten every year for about three years is at least STARTING on the project of putting my pictures in albums. I have soooooo many boxes of photos and we never get to see them because I can't commit to putting them in a book! Realistically I must place this as beginning in about July to August as the months leading up to them will be packed with starting a new job this month, then Pilates training from March through June!
Other goals include seeing a few docs and a dentist. Getting the pup both potty trained and crate trained. I'm sure some other idea's will come to mind.
I hope our country does better in 2009 that last year. I feel sorry for O'bama, as he just jumped into the burning boat! I know everyone expects him to "fix things", but I'm not sure just what he will be able to do with the mess we're in. I know many people are going to try to pin this mess on him when it's not fixed as soon as they want or the way they want it done. I just hope they remember what a mess our country is in now so they don't blame him for putting us here in the first place. THANK YOU BUSH!
You know, I don't use the word HATE too much in my vocabulary. My mother would always stop me mid sentence by saying "hate is a very strong word". So mom, where ever you are, in heaven or other........cover your ears when you hear me talk about......... BUSH!
That is all!
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