Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Mill Creek July 23rd 2008

Heather and Jeremy (buds)

Heather hugs Claralynne. Second time in Claralynne's life Heather has seen her.

Claralynne, Aub, Nate and James


Long time no see, Aub and Jeremy
Dodi and Heather 

July 23rd in Mill Creek.  We got to see Aub and her family for about 2 hours at most and this was the first time we'd seen them since James was born (two months wait).  Who knows when we'll see them again.  It really hurts when the babies crawl, stand and walk without being able to see it except on webcam. 

I wanted to load more pictures but blogger is a PITA (pain-in-the-butt!!!).  It kept kicking me out so I'll make more than one blog to get them all on. 

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