Monday, December 29, 2008

Pika Updates

My dog has gas.

Yeah, she's dinky but boy can she pack a punch. Especially since she likes to sleep on my neck.

I gave her some of the left over Christmas ham that I put in my omelet this morning.  It's hard not to give in to her.  She sits so pretty, looking up at me with her cute little sweater on, and her little "bug eyes" staring up at me, I couldn't help myself, and I gave her, oh, maybe three or four small chunks. I guess for her, that would amount to an entire ham dinner!  Little did I expect I get farted on while she was twitching in her sleep.

We did give her a name, but I'm not sold on it entirely.  We had to call her something and we were coming up with some good names but not agreeing on one all together.  Pika is short for piccolo, which is Italian for small flute.   I call her monkey and peanut.  She looks like a peanut. If she's like all our other animals, she'll have a multitude of names.

Back to the subject of where we got her name.  We were looking for something that described her size.  Aub threw out a few names and suggested piccolo.  I liked the name Mika, but Heather knows another annoying dog named Mika so that was out.  Pika sounded like Mika and it meant something small so it stuck.

Small flute doesn't begin to describe the noise she makes when we put her in her crate at night. Boy can she scream!  High pitched screams.......going on and on for minutes that seem to stretch on forever!  It's not a little wimper or cry, but an all out SCREECH! We're crate training and she seems to suffer separation anxiety.  I finally had to put her and her crate in my closet down the hall in order to get a few hours of shut eye.  It is getting better though, lasting about 20 minutes as compared to two hours when we started.  

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