Sunday, November 4, 2007

For Crickets Sake

Nathan stood their naked, readying himself for his shower. looking down into the toilet and then up at me. I looked into the toilet and saw something brown, half expecting to see a spider or fly but no, it was a cricket kicking himself in circles with one leg trying to get out of the ocean of water he found himself in. Nate didn't appear to be harboring any guilt, no thoughts of Pinnocio, Jiminy or sitting outside listening to the soothing sound of crickets seemed to show in his face, just another day in our basement bathroom with it's occasional annoying bug. I, on the other hand, was flabbergasted, looking around the room to find a cup or something to scoop this poor guy out. I'm not the kind to flush a friend, I like the sound of crickets, he was just "in the wrong place".

So I took a piece of paper out of the trash and placed it near dear ol' Jiminy and he stuck to the paper clinging for dear life. After placing him on the cement just outside the sliding glass door, I wasn't sure if he was totally able to sustain life, so I watched him come to full crouching position (crickets don't stand) and hop off of the cement pad and onto the dirt outside. I was pleased with myself. I had just saved a life, one that will please many an ear at night giving that soothing sound that luls scared children into pleasant peaceful rest.

I returned to the bathroom where Nate peered back at me kind of scrunching up his face. "Yeah, that was a better solution". I couldn't believe what I had just heard. Had I made headway with a subject that I have long felt everyone thought I was a lune for. I have saved many the life of an occasional spider, bee or bug. (I do however kill flies. They land on poop and barf on your food. Nasty creatures. They don't belong anywhere except in a spiders web or in the mouth of a frog, another creature I love)

Had I converted him to my funky way of thinking that even small lives deserve a chance, and that they are "just in the wrong place"? I don't know.................. Until the next time I find something floating in the toilet.

1 comment:

Aubrey said...

Yes yes. I have inherited this particular peculiar trait. There was a cricket in my boiler room for a very long time, surviving on god knows what. Everytime I went to take the trash out or get something out of the mud room, he would be singing. Many times I went into the boiler room to rescue him but he always ran away. I felt bad because I knew he must be starving, what is there to eat or drink in a boiler room? One day I didn't here him anymore and I felt very bad. I don't rescue spiders though.