It's 7:o2 right now on October the 6th, 2007.
Aubrey asked me if we'lll get another dog. I don't want another one right now. I just want to remember him and all the wonderful things he was to me.
Soda Pop
I prayed last night that I would get some sign or be told where Soda was, and in my dream I heard ...........He is not in your area...........
I didn't know if that meant he had gone as far away as Colorado Springs or Castle Rock or what. I know now that it meant he has left this earth.
We just buried our puppy. Someone called us this morning saying they saw the sign we put up in Larkspur and gave us the exact location where to find him. We hurried into the car to see if it was him......... and it was. My heart was racing as we went to see if it was Soda. I didn't want it to be him, but I also wanted an end to the worry and wonder about where he was, if he was with someone or if he had been hit. Since he's been gone we've been up and down that road looking for him, everyone of us looking for several days and none of us has seen him. A lady came out of her driveway which is directly on the other side of the road where his body was and she said she's not seen his body there for the last three days. We feel that the person that called to tell us where to find the body may have been the one to have hit him and placed the body where we would be able to find him.
I'm not mad at them, Soda left when it was dark. He's black and would be near to invisible on a dark road in the night. When I've taken him running with me along this same road I've had a devil of a time getting him to stay on my right on the dirt edge of the road. I would stop jogging just to make a point of teaching. He didn't ever understand the danger of a car. I finally stopped taking him on my jogs afraid he would get hit.
He did any way.
We've had him for about 8 years and got him when he was about 2 months old, just three days after the death of our other dog Zacharia Rufus. Zach was a Schnauzer and belonged more to Nate than to me or anyone else.
I think that's why when we got Soda I went out of my way to bond with him. Whit and Heather came here to Colorado to spend the summer with Grandma and Grandpa. So I took advantage of the special time between me and my new puppy. I bathed Soda and loved him up hoping he would become mine. He wasn't really MY dog per se, he was our family dog, but I think everyone in our family will agree who he looked to as his "head human".
So many things remind me of him. Just coming into the door is a reminder as I take care not to open it too fast or with too much force for fear of hitting him in the head. That habit will take time to change. I will miss him before I go to work as he was my companion and kept me from being lonely that early in the morning. I will miss him jumping up on the bed eager to share in the licorice crows Nate and I would eat while watching a movie. I will miss his hair all over the carpet and stairs, his hunching so as not to pee when he gets too excited when I get home. I'll miss his funny screeching cry when the kids would run and hide and he would run from room to room looking for them yelping and screaming, everyone laughing their guts out. I'll miss playing ball and frisbee with him.
I didn't know if that meant he had gone as far away as Colorado Springs or Castle Rock or what. I know now that it meant he has left this earth.
We just buried our puppy. Someone called us this morning saying they saw the sign we put up in Larkspur and gave us the exact location where to find him. We hurried into the car to see if it was him......... and it was. My heart was racing as we went to see if it was Soda. I didn't want it to be him, but I also wanted an end to the worry and wonder about where he was, if he was with someone or if he had been hit. Since he's been gone we've been up and down that road looking for him, everyone of us looking for several days and none of us has seen him. A lady came out of her driveway which is directly on the other side of the road where his body was and she said she's not seen his body there for the last three days. We feel that the person that called to tell us where to find the body may have been the one to have hit him and placed the body where we would be able to find him.
I'm not mad at them, Soda left when it was dark. He's black and would be near to invisible on a dark road in the night. When I've taken him running with me along this same road I've had a devil of a time getting him to stay on my right on the dirt edge of the road. I would stop jogging just to make a point of teaching. He didn't ever understand the danger of a car. I finally stopped taking him on my jogs afraid he would get hit.
He did any way.
We've had him for about 8 years and got him when he was about 2 months old, just three days after the death of our other dog Zacharia Rufus. Zach was a Schnauzer and belonged more to Nate than to me or anyone else.
I think that's why when we got Soda I went out of my way to bond with him. Whit and Heather came here to Colorado to spend the summer with Grandma and Grandpa. So I took advantage of the special time between me and my new puppy. I bathed Soda and loved him up hoping he would become mine. He wasn't really MY dog per se, he was our family dog, but I think everyone in our family will agree who he looked to as his "head human".
So many things remind me of him. Just coming into the door is a reminder as I take care not to open it too fast or with too much force for fear of hitting him in the head. That habit will take time to change. I will miss him before I go to work as he was my companion and kept me from being lonely that early in the morning. I will miss him jumping up on the bed eager to share in the licorice crows Nate and I would eat while watching a movie. I will miss his hair all over the carpet and stairs, his hunching so as not to pee when he gets too excited when I get home. I'll miss his funny screeching cry when the kids would run and hide and he would run from room to room looking for them yelping and screaming, everyone laughing their guts out. I'll miss playing ball and frisbee with him.
We buried him up on the land amidst pine trees and scrub oak. I put three balls, a can of room spray, some pictures and one of the signs we put up when he was lost. He loved to take walks with us and would run up ahead and then back to me and jump up on me, then he'd run up ahead and come back so excited and jump up on me again. It drove me nuts. But I'd love to have him back to take with me on walks and kiss my face stinky breath and all.
Aubrey asked me if we'lll get another dog. I don't want another one right now. I just want to remember him and all the wonderful things he was to me.
I hope there is a heaven where there is lots of green grass, frisbees and balls and most of all someone to love him as much as we do. We'll miss you Soda.
Soda Pop
Born Approx May 1999
Died Approx Oct 2nd 2007
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