Sunday, October 19, 2008

My Favorite Season


                                                                                                          Gardiner Village is one of my favorite places to visit in the fall. 
Witches night out was just becoming a tradition at Halloween time for
 my sis and I.   Then I moved!

I Love......

....The smell of fall....

....Autumn colors of rust, brown and orange....

....Sweater weather..... 


I'VE BEEN A WITCH FOR YEARS! (Just ask my kids haha).

No!  My costume has been a witch forever.  I get excited at the store when I see green makeup, black fingernail polish and tall pointy hats!  

Here in Larkspur we don't even get trick-or-treaters which SUCKS major!  Well, I'm sure some adults would say......Whoa, just enjoy it!  But, I like to see the kids reaction when I'd open the door.  

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